Hamburg: A Leading Model Region for Digital Health

Hamburg becomes a model region for digital health

The ÄrzteNetz Hamburg has won a contract from Gematik, the future health agency. A tender was launched in autumn 2022 to test existing and new digital applications of the health infrastructure before they are introduced throughout Germany. Gematik hopes to use the experiences and knowledge gained from this test to improve digital offerings and show how applications and services can make an important contribution in the healthcare sector. The ÄrzteNetz will be testing the planned TI Messenger TIM which is connected to the health network.

The ÄrzteNetz includes eight hospitals such as the Asklepios Clinic in Harburg, the Protestant Hospital in Alsterdorf, the Helios Mariahilf Clinic in Hamburg, and the Catholic Marien Hospital, among other healthcare facilities and partners from industry, associations, and insurance companies. According to Gematik, there is said to be another model region in Germany, with the application process currently ongoing.

Markus Habetha and Dr. Jens Heidrich stated that they understand the challenges of digitization very well, both in the outpatient and inpatient areas. They want to show “how digital health is already delivering added value in daily care”. Hamburg is a suitable model region because it is home to Techniker Krankenkasse, the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), the medical technology company Philips, and the IT service provider and data center operator Akquinet, which is developing the reference system for TI Messenger for Gematik.

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