Google Competitor Bard Tests Messaging Service in the US and UK

ChatGPT competitor Bard: Google is testing in the US and UK

Google Releases AI Chatbot “Bard” for Testing in US and UK

Google recently announced that it will be releasing its new AI chatbot, “Bard,” for testing to users in the US and UK. The purpose of this test phase is to gather feedback on Google’s newest competitor, ChatGPT. If you are interested in joining the waiting list for Bard and have a Google Account, you can visit to join. The company plans to make Bard available in other countries and languages ​​in the future.

Bard is based on the Large Language Model (LLM) LaMDA and is expected to be updatable with “newer, more powerful models” in the future. In the announcement, Google acknowledged that LLMs have their flaws, such as reflecting the prejudices and stereotypes of society, which may lead to providing misleading information. Therefore, obtaining broad feedback is vital to improve its performance. Although currently, Bard is only available in English, Google is working on additional language capabilities.

Bard is designed to offer assistance in increasing productivity, promoting creativity, and curiosity. However, it is still in the experimental stages, and Google recognizes the current shortcomings of the chatbot. For instance, Bard “misunderstood a few things” about the scientific name of the lucky feather plant, indicating incorrect results. Bard users are encouraged to verify their answers by visiting the links provided alongside Google search suggestions.

At the moment, Bard is not competent in programming as AI is still in the learning phase. Nevertheless, Google aims at a future where Bard users will have a more comprehensive assistance experience with additional features.

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