Gathering in Paris this Thursday to demand housing for families of schoolchildren living on the streets

A gathering will take place this Thursday in Paris to demand housing for families of schoolchildren living on the streets. The event aims to draw attention to the plight of these families and urge the authorities to take action.

With the rising number of homeless families in the city, the situation has become increasingly dire. Many children are forced to attend school while living in precarious conditions, which can have a long-term impact on their well-being and academic success.

The organizers of the gathering hope to shed light on the urgency of the issue and push for immediate solutions. They are calling on local officials to prioritize the housing needs of these families and provide them with the support they need to secure stable and safe living arrangements.

The event is expected to bring together concerned citizens, activists, and community leaders who are dedicated to advocating for the rights of homeless families. By joining forces, they hope to amplify their message and bring about meaningful change.

Ultimately, the goal of the gathering is to ensure that every child in Paris has access to proper housing and the opportunity to thrive. By standing in solidarity with these families, the participants hope to send a powerful message that everyone deserves a place to call home.

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