Future Solution: Eliminating Windows Problems with Email Communication

New Windows problems?  In the future, all information will be sent by e-mail

Microsoft Offers New Service to Better Plan for Windows Updates and Upgrades

Microsoft has launched a new service for administrators that enables them to plan for potential Windows update problems. The service allows administrators to log in to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center to access Windows Release Health, provided they have the correct rights.

The service automatically sends out emails to administrators, informing them about new problems and changes to the status of existing errors. This includes details of whether Microsoft has successfully corrected them or published a workaround.

When subscribing to the service, administrators can select their desired Windows variant and update version, and have the emails sent to up to two addresses. If a problem affects several versions of the operating system, Microsoft only sends out one email.

This new service means that administrators do not have to manually check the Microsoft 365 admin center for updates. It provides the same information but in an easily accessible email format. Further details on how to activate the service can be found on the Tech Community Blog.

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