From Photo Journalist to Life Saver: An Interview with Knut Gielen

From photo reporter to paramedic - an interview with Knut Gielen

Knut Gielen’s career trajectory is an interesting one – he started out as a photo reporter before shifting gears to become a paramedic in Hamburg. In an interview, Gielen shared details about his career, travels and current role.

Gielen was born in 1964 and grew up in Hamburg. After completing high school, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to pursue as a career as he had a range of interests. Initially, he considered becoming a journalist, but his father’s advice led him to take up an internship in a photo studio in Hamburg.

It turned out to be a fruitful experience as he learned a great deal about photography and became adept at developing film in different formats. As he grew in his knowledge of photography, he eventually became a photo reporter and traveled widely across Germany, Europe and the world.

However, his fascination with emergency medicine and the desire to help people in need led him to consider a career as a paramedic. Despite having little medical knowledge, he enrolled in a paramedic course and subsequently started working as a paramedic in Hamburg.

Today, Gielen uses his photography skills to document his experiences working as a paramedic and shares them on his website and social media accounts. He describes his work as a paramedic as both challenging and rewarding, and finds it fulfilling to be able to help people in their time of need.

In the interview, Gielen also shared details about the tasks he performs as a paramedic. He highlighted the importance of being able to make quick and accurate assessments of a patient’s condition, as it enables them to provide swift and effective treatment. He also spoke about the importance of being able to communicate effectively with patients and their families, especially during stressful and challenging situations.

Overall, Gielen’s story is a testament to the fact that it’s never too late to pursue a new career path. His willingness to take risks, learn new skills and embrace change has resulted in a fulfilling career that allows him to use both his creative and humanitarian skills to make a positive impact in the world.

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