Faeser’s Struggle with Schönbohm and Böhmermann’s Unyielding Resilience

Faeser can't get rid of the Schönbohm topic - Böhmermann remains resistant to criticism

Faeser Sticks to OZG 2.0, Avoids Schönbohm Topic

Nancy Faeser, the German Federal Ministry of the Interior’s spokesperson for the Online Access Act (OZG) 2.0, refused to respond when asked whether she’d talked with the former BSI President at the presentation of the act’s roadmap. Falk Steiner, Heise Online’s journalist, noted that Faeser ignored the question and instead discussed the appointment of Claudia Plattner as BSI’s new head, starting July 1, 2022. Maximilian Kall, the Ministry of the Interior’s spokesperson, also declined to compare Plattner with former president Arne Schönbohm. He nevertheless added that Plattner’s experience working at the European Central Bank and DB Systel, coupled with her international experience, suits her to lead the agency in challenging times.

ZDF Entertainer Jan Böhmermann Still Resistant to Criticism

Jan Böhmermann, the ZDF entertainer critical of Arne Schönbohm, whose show had initially triggered Schönbohm’s removal from the BSI by the municipal government, continues to ignore any criticism. On Twitter, Böhmermann insisted that the article by Business Insider on Arne Schönbohm’s relationship with the CSRD_eV failed to acknowledge the Russian proxy company Protelion, which Böhmermann had earlier accused of being close to Schönbohm. Gerhard Schabhüser, the BSI’s Executive Vice President, previously clarified that they had not approved Protelion’s certification after the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution voiced objections. Although Infoteks, Protelion’s parent company, was on the US Department of Commerce’s sanctions list, they held no sway over Infoteks’ security infrastructure. Schönbohm was a founding member of the Cyber ​​Security Council Germany, but his tenure wasn’t plagued by any significant concerns apart from his behavior.

Böhmermann Appropriate Topic, Wrong Person

While Böhmermann considers his show flawless, the show’s real value, criticizing cyber security in Germany, is lost since it’s focused on Schönbohm. Böhmermann missed many other relevant points that could have made German cyber security more secure. He could have discussed the New Responsibility Foundation that possibly clears confusion in public bodies handling security. Alternatively, he could have looked closer at the coalition agreement that Nancy Faeser, the Interior Minister, is still developing. Böhmermann’s criticism should be taken seriously, but it should be directed toward more constructive ideas rather than undermining public trust in security authorities.

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