EU Commission Raises Concerns Over Unacceptable Risks of Geoengineering in Combatting Global Warming

Global warming: EU Commission warns of "unacceptable" risk from geoengineering

The European Union has expressed concerns about the risks associated with geoengineering and called for international regulations to address them. EU Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans stated that conducting such experiments on our planet alone is unacceptable, highlighting the need for global cooperation. The EU is open to discussions at the United Nations to address the dangers and potential applications of geoengineering. The Commission noted that there are new risks associated with these measures, including potential power imbalances and conflicts. Many ethical, legal, political, and administrative questions remain unanswered.

Geoengineering refers to various global measures that could be used to reduce or stabilize global temperatures in order to mitigate the effects of global warming. One proposed method, called “solar radiation management” (SRM), involves introducing particles into the stratosphere to reflect more solar radiation into space and lower global temperatures. The necessary technology already exists, but there are concerns about unforeseen consequences. The EU Commission believes that intentional large-scale interventions in natural systems are receiving increasing attention in light of the accelerating global warming. There is a lack of research on the risks and side effects, as well as a lack of necessary rules, procedures, and institutions. The European Union aims to examine the dangers and uncertainties of geoengineering internationally and formulate a set of rules. They also emphasize the need for further research on the topic.

The US government recently commissioned an investigation into the possibility of using geoengineering to temporarily limit global warming and the risks associated with it. This demonstrates that the topic has gained prominence in political discussions. In the past, geoengineering proposals were seen as cost-effective measures to combat climate change. Some experts believe that, given the catastrophic consequences of global warming, individual nations may implement geoengineering in the coming decades. A few months ago, a US start-up claimed to have begun releasing reflective particles on its own.

In conclusion, the European Union warns of the risks associated with geoengineering and calls for international efforts to address these risks. They highlight the lack of research, rules, and institutions in this field. The EU is open to discussions at the United Nations and emphasizes the need for further research on the topic. The US government has also shown interest in investigating the potential of geoengineering to mitigate global warming. As the consequences of climate change worsen, geoengineering may become a more viable option for nations to consider.

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