EU Commission Introduces Repair and Energy Labels for Mobile Phones

EU Commission launches repair and energy labels for mobile phones

The European Union Commission has proposed a new legislative package that requires smartphones, mobile phones, and tablets placed on the EU market to provide information about their energy efficiency, battery longevity, protection against dust and water, and resistance to accidental drops. The package includes a new energy label that will also display a repairability index. The labels, which range from A to G, will indicate the energy consumption of the devices. The EU-wide product database for energy labels (EPREL) will provide additional information about the device. The proposal is currently being reviewed and objections may be raised within two months. If approved, there will be a 21-month transition period before the requirements become applicable, with the goal of having the new energy label available on devices throughout the EU by 2025.

The new energy label will include additional ratings displayed via a tool icon. These ratings will indicate the number of steps required for disassembly, the availability of spare parts, and the duration of supplied software updates. The label will also provide information on a “repeated reliability test in free fall.” Additionally, the EU Parliament and the Council adopted an ecodesign regulation that sets minimum requirements for mobile phones, cordless phones, and tablets. These requirements include resistance to accidental drops or scratches, protection from dust and water, and the use of durable batteries. Manufacturers will be required to provide essential replacement parts and software updates for a specified period of time after the product is sold.

The aim of the legislative package is to promote sustainability and encourage longer-lasting and repairable devices. Frans Timmermans, Commission Vice-President responsible for the Green Deal, emphasized the importance of devices lasting longer and being easily repairable. The proposals are part of the EU’s efforts to reduce electronic waste and encourage more sustainable practices in the technology industry.

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