Discovering Visual Language: A Pastor’s Journey as a Street Photographer in France

Time out as a street photographer: How a pastor in France found his visual language

Jens Voss is a pastor who tells stories through his photographs. During a three-month sabbatical in southern France, he discovered his passion for capturing the beauty of everyday life. Initially, he had planned to photograph the landscapes and villages of the region, but he found himself drawn to the people he encountered.

With his Nikon D800 and heavy Nikkor zoom lenses, Voss trudged through the heat, but eventually decided to switch to street photography to carry less equipment. He observes life in all its ups and downs and has been consistent in his pursuit of capturing it through his lens.

Voss believes that everyday life offers fascinating backdrops, and he enjoys documenting the positive aspects of humanity. He has a particular affinity for black and white photography in a colorful world, which allows him to play with contrast and highlight the beauty of his subjects.

To limit himself and challenge his creativity, Voss uses a fixed focal length when shooting, which forces him to think critically about his compositions. He also values patience and waiting for the right moment to create the perfect shot.

In the end, Voss found that his time away from his pastoral duties allowed him to reconnect with people and capture their stories through his photographs. He continues to explore this passion and inspire others to see the beauty in everyday life.

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