Dev Home: Test Windows Dashboard for Developers

Dev Home: Windows dashboard for developers in the test

Dev Home is a newly introduced app by Microsoft that aims to serve as a Windows dashboard for developers. It includes information for developers and integration of the WinGet package manager. The app is designed to be expandable, allowing developers to customize it according to their needs. The reading time for this article is estimated to be 6 minutes.

During Microsoft’s developer conference, Build 2023, the focus was primarily on AI performance. However, an exception was made for the announcement of the trial version of “Dev Home”. This Windows app is intended to become a go-to place for developers programming on Windows. It features widgets that provide a quick overview of pending tasks on GitHub and the workload of your own machine. Microsoft envisions an ecosystem of widgets, where other developers can contribute their own tools such as CI/CD environments, Git hosts, container environments, or web servers. In order to foster this ecosystem, Dev Home is open-source software and extensible. The GitHub widgets that come with the app can serve as inspiration for developers. Both the app and the widgets are available on GitHub.

Dev Home offers developers a centralized place to access important information and tools for their development projects. With its expandable and customizable nature, it has the potential to become a valuable resource for Windows developers.

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