Converting Eve Smart Home Hardware: Transitioning from Apple HomeKit to Matter

From Apple HomeKit to Matter: How to convert Eve smart home hardware

The manufacturer Eve, known for its smart home devices designed exclusively for Apple HomeKit, has now added support for the new standard Matter. This means that Eve devices can now be integrated and controlled on multiple platforms, including Android smartphones and Amazon’s Alexa. Since the release of the first Matter version last fall, progress has been slow, but the first Matter-enabled devices are now available for purchase.

If you own Eve devices that are compatible with Matter, you can update their firmware to enable the integration. Look for the Matter logo on the packaging, as these devices are usually identical to the HomeKit variants. Updating the firmware will allow you to control them using Matter.

It is worth noting that not all devices can be updated to support Matter. Therefore, it is important to check the compatibility of your Eve devices before proceeding with the migration.

Matter is expected to bring a new level of compatibility and interoperability to the smart home industry. With this new standard, users can have greater flexibility in choosing compatible devices and controlling them using various platforms. The support from Eve is a significant step towards making this a reality.

To learn more about the migration process and the latest updates from other manufacturers regarding Matter, you can read the full article in Mac & i magazine. Matter offers exciting possibilities for smart home enthusiasts, and it is worth exploring how it can enhance your experience.

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