Controlling Lawn Sprinklers with a Controller: Make 2/23 Guide

Now in Make 2/23: Controlling and programming lawn sprinklers with a controller

During hot summer days, rainfall is often not enough to provide plants with the necessary water they need. Watering regularly and sufficiently is crucial, and it is best done either in the morning before or in the evening after work when the temperature is cooler. It can be a fun activity, but it can get tiring after a while. Luckily, there is a solution that can make watering the lawn effortless and enjoyable.

Make magazine’s Issue 2/23 has an article written by author Jens Hackel, who has designed a lawn sprinkler that can be controlled remotely. The lawn sprinkler is powered by an ESP32 microcontroller and waters everything within its 360-degree angle. Jens Hackel designed a mechanism that can be almost entirely manufactured using a 3D printer to make it work with the 180-degree servos.

The lawn sprinkler controller is connected via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to a Playstation 3 remote controller, allowing easy adjustment of the horizontal and vertical watering angles and water pressure. With every joystick movement, users can see how the alignment of the device changes.

One of the best features of this lawn sprinkler is that it is easy to program. The device remembers the movement patterns with the help of the SPIF file system and plays them back whenever users want to water their lawn. After setting up the lawn sprinkler, all that’s left to do is sit back, relax, and watch it do its job.

Make magazine’s Issue 2/23 provides a detailed guide on how to build, operate, and program the lawn sprinkler. The article includes all the required 3D data and firmware for users to replicate the project. The magazine is available for purchase online or at newsstands, or it can be conveniently ordered as a print version or PDF from the Heise Shop.

For digital readers, the magazine is also available through iOS and Android apps. The table of contents for Issue 2/23 is available online for readers to peruse. If you’re looking for an effortless and enjoyable way to water your lawn, Make magazine’s lawn sprinkler might be the perfect solution for you.

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