Complaints Dismissed Without Follow-Up, Consideration of Judicial Protection Placement

The prosecutors in Montargis received two complaints from the three children of Alain Delon against Hiromi Rollin on July 5th and 6th, 2023. The complaints included charges of violence against a vulnerable person, animal abuse, emotional harassment, abuse of weakness, and interception of correspondence. The preliminary investigation was entrusted to the investigative unit in Orleans.

Nearly 50 witnesses were heard, and searches were conducted at Alain Delon’s residence in Douchy (Loiret) and at Hiromi Rollin’s place in Suresnes, Hauts-de-Seine. An expert medical examination of the actor was also conducted. However, at the conclusion of the investigation, none of the crimes accused by both the Delon family and Hiromi Rollin were found to be substantiated.

The court’s statement affirmed that no act of violence against the star or acts of cruelty towards Alain Delon’s dog, Loubo, were observed. The behavior of Hiromi Rollin, while occasionally deemed “domineering” by some witnesses, was found to have no causal relationship with Alain Delon’s health deterioration. Hiromi Rollin’s complaint filed on July 28th against the three children of Alain Delon, for group violence, theft, and slander, was also dismissed.

The prosecutor from Montargis, in a letter to the concerned parties, indicated that the examination had tragically established that Alain Delon’s judgment was “completely abolished.” Therefore, the opening of legal protective proceedings is being considered.

The legal process is far from over according to Alain Delon’s attorney, Me Christophe Ayela. Alain Delon is “extremely shocked by the media circus” surrounding his life, and his lawyer has expressed his intention to file a complaint on behalf of the 88-year-old actor against his eldest son, Anthony, regarding statements aimed at “harming him” and his daughter, Anouchka.

Following the legal developments, Anthony Delon continued to criticize his sister, Anouchka, via his Instagram account. He indicated his intention to continue fighting for the truth, despite the complaints being dismissed by the Public Prosecutor. The family saga continues with Anouchka likely to file a counter complaint against her older brother for defamation, slander, threats, and harassment. The ongoing feud within the Delon family has brought no relief for Alain Delon’s health.

This matter is far from being resolved, and it is unfortunate that Alain Delon’s health will not be improved during these family disputes.

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