Club Striker Injured in Training: Duah Scare Causes Pain

FCN: Club striker was in a lot of pain: duah scare in training

Kwadwo Duah, the club attacker for an undisclosed club, recently suffered an injury after a training duel with Danny Blum. The incident occurred when Duah fell awkwardly on his right forearm, causing him to experience excruciating pain.

As a result of the injury, Duah had to terminate training and seek treatment from a physiotherapist named Milan Gubov. The striker struggled with nausea and could hardly move his right forearm, forcing him to abandon the remaining training sessions.

Despite the intense pain, Duah managed to fulfill an autograph request on the way to the dressing room, demonstrating his commitment to his fans. However, he never returned to the training ground and was forced to rest and recover from his injury.

Fortunately, the pain subsided as quickly as it began, providing some relief for the injured striker. While the exact repercussions of Duah’s injury are unknown, his fans and fellow teammates wish him a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him back on the field soon.

As the football season continues, fans can expect to see more exciting developments on the field, including relegation thrillers and explosive Sané scenes. Reif will keep you up to date with all the latest news and events happening in the world of football, so stay tuned for more updates.

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