Brigitte Macron at Paris Fashion Week: The Trendy Leather Look That’s Never Been Worn Before Making a Splash

Brigitte Macron always makes a sensation at each of her appearances. The First Lady, always very elegant, shines in luxury dresses or very chic coats. But this time, she decided to dare a whole new style. Present alongside Rachida Dati, the wife of Emmanuel Macron was at the front row of the Paris Fashion Week, which opened on Monday, February 26, 2024 at the French Institute of Fashion.

And on this occasion, the First Lady decided to wear a magnificent leather coat. A splendid piece that highlighted her slender silhouette. Rachida Dati, on the other hand, opted for a denim jacket. By their side, Olivia Grégoire, Minister Delegate in charge of Companies, Tourism and Consumption. The three women were able to see the creations of the graduates of the Master of Arts in Fashion Design.

“In support of young designers, whose this fashion show is a reflection of talent and diversity. Our heritage, in Paris and in France, is also fashion,” shared X, the Minister of Culture. Very satisfied with the outcome of the fashion show, Brigitte Macron told Madame Figaro, “To see that in a master’s program they can already do this, the future is ahead of them I hope and we will help them. Their power of creativity, their energy is the world of tomorrow and they have already integrated everything, they have the codes and they show us the way a little. We will follow them.”

At the end of this fashion show, Brigitte Macron was able to exchange with the students. In this institute that shapes the future great fashion designers and players in the industry, there is no question of making these students conformist copies.

“80% of our teaching revolves around design creation and 20% around theory. We are here to give them a very thorough artistic and technical education but our goal is also to train empathetic designers who will inject humanity into the studios. Hence our seminars on human resources and team management that complement all our courses,” explains Leyla Neri, director of the master’s program.

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