Bing and Edge create images instantly

AI: Bing and Edge generate images on demand

Microsoft expands its artificial intelligence (AI) offering to the public, launching its own version of the Dall-E image generator. As an Open AI product, Dall-E generates images from text input much like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion. However, Microsoft has access to a more developed version and has called its edition the Bing Image Creator Preview. The preview feature is available through the search engine chat and the Edge browser, with access being gradually rolled out to Microsoft accounts around the world.

While Microsoft has introduced additional precautions to limit access to certain images, the offer currently only works in English. It is hoped this limitation will be lifted in the future. The feature warns users not to be too specific in their text entering, and terms such as “fallopian tube” and “vulva” are prohibited. The Bing Image Creator Preview is accessible via the sidebar of the Edge browser or using the preview version of Bing chat. Initially, it is only available in “creative” mode which is more relaxed but makes more mistakes than the “balanced” and “precise” alternatives.

The new feature is free of charge, but each generated image features the Bing logo. Along with the new image generator, Microsoft has launched Stories and Version 2.0 of Knowledge Cards. Both features rely heavily on images and videos. Stories introduce a topic with videos and images while Knowledge Cards contain AI-powered infographic-inspired experience with fun facts and essential information.

The new features of version 2.0 include “interactive, dynamic content such as tables, curves, and time series.” Users can expect a flood of images that will enhance their search results as they input text. In summary, Microsoft is staying ahead of the game by embracing AI and offering its power to the public.

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