A Supportive Rally in Paris: A Powerful Message Sent to the Press

A support committee for Ariane Lavrilleux, the journalist from Disclose who is in custody following her investigation into the French military operation Sirli in Egypt, gathered on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at Place de la République. The supporters denounced a “violation of press freedom”.

Citizens, elected officials, and fellow journalists were present. Approximately 120 people gathered at Place de la République around 6:30 pm to show their support for Ariane Lavrilleux, the journalist from the investigative website Disclose, who is currently in custody in Marseille. She is being accused of publishing five investigations, including one on Egypt’s diversion of an anti-terrorist operation led by France.

Magali Serre, president of Disclose, called it a real violation of freedom, stating, “The last time we saw a similar case was with Alex Jordanov. These are exceptional situations. Ten hours of search in her Marseille apartment, can you imagine? Ariane has remained silent for 37 hours, she is holding on. At this point, custody can be extended until Thursday at 6 am. This is not the regulatory procedure, as it should have been us, Disclose, the publishers, who should have been questioned under normal circumstances. We therefore demand her release and the abandonment of the charges against her, otherwise it is a terrible message sent to the press by our country.”

Among the attendees were a few Parisians moved by the situation who came to support the journalist, but mostly fellow journalists. Thibaut Bruttin from Reporters Without Borders, Amnesty International France, and elected officials Raquel Garrido (LFI deputy for the 5th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis), Julien Bayou (EELV deputy for the 5th constituency of Paris), and Olivier Faure (PS deputy for the 11th constituency of Seine-et-Marne) were also present. They all spoke to emphasize the important work of journalists during investigations, such as those carried out by Disclose.

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