The Final Farewell of Wendler: Understanding the Meaning behind the End

Wendler says goodbye: That's what this end is all about

Michael Wendler, a German singer and television personality, has announced that he is closing his Telegram channel. This comes after he was banned from Instagram in February 2021 for sharing conspiracy theories about COVID-19. Wendler had used his Telegram channel to continue to share these theories and to comment on the US presidential election.

Wendler’s decision to close down his channel has been met with some skepticism. Many believe that it may be a ploy to distance himself from these ideas in order to secure new advertising partners for his wife, Laura Müller. Müller, who is 22 years old, is pregnant and the couple’s income is said to have decreased recently.

Müller has been advertising baby products on her Instagram channel and has also been using OnlyFans to market herself. Meanwhile, Wendler has been promoting survival products. The couple seems to be looking for new sources of income as they prepare for the birth of their child.

Despite this, some are questioning whether Wendler will truly distance himself from his controversial ideas. His decision to close his channel may simply be a way to attract new sponsors and get back in the limelight. Regardless, the couple will need to find new sources of income to support their family in Florida.

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