Symantec Protection Software at Risk Due to Vulnerabilities in Security Updates

Security Updates: Vulnerabilities make Symantec protection software vulnerable

Symantec’s Advanced Secure Gateway (ASG) and Content Analysis (CAS) PC protection software have been found to be vulnerable, which poses a risk to computers. The developers of the software have created security updates, which need to be installed to secure systems, as overall they have closed four security gaps.

In a warning message issued by Symantec, they categorize the threat as “high”. In the event of a successful attack, hackers could execute their own commands or gain higher user rights on a computer. Any computer running versions of ASG and CAS are protected from such attacks.

In addition to outlining the necessary updates, Symantec’s developers also provide some guidance regarding further safety tips for computer users. Access to management systems should only be allowed for select employees, and remote access restricted overall. It is also advisable to keep all applications and the operating system up to date, providing extra protection overall.

Ensuring that these changes are made should ensure that your computer is adequately protected from the risks posed by ASG and CAS PC protection software.

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