The Fate of Damon Lindelof’s ‘Star Wars Film
The ‘Star Wars‘ franchise is known for announcing multiple projects while canceling half of them, and then re-announcing them again. Recently, it was revealed that the Damon Lindelof-written film for the saga was completely removed from future releases. However, not many knew that Lindelof had been left by Disney after initially showing interest in the project.
“Am I going to queue outside the club again to try and get back? Absolutely. ‘Star Wars’ was the first movie I ever saw in theaters, and I still love the way it tells the story. So if you don’t succeed at first, try and try again,” said Lindelof in a recent interview with Esquire.
What Was the Film About?
Online rumors suggest that Lindelof’s film was about an adult King who trains two new Jedi. However, nobody knows for sure what the film was going to be about.
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Directs New Episode of ‘Star Wars
Disney isn’t leaving the character behind, though, as it was announced at the Star Wars Celebration that Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy will direct a new episode of the saga.
Despite his disappointment, Lindelof would not hesitate to be a part of the ‘Star Wars universe again, “I joined the ‘Star Wars universe and then they asked me to leave,” he said in the interview. “Of course, I’m going to queue outside the club again to try and get back.”
Good Sportsmanship
The writer of ‘Mrs. Davis has taken the news with great sportsmanship and isn’t letting it stop him from trying again, as Yoda would say.
Ultimately, Lindelof’s dismissal adds to a long line of canceled ‘Star Wars projects. Whether or not he will have the opportunity to rejoin the ‘Star Wars’ universe remains to be seen.