Corona Warning App Goes into Sleep Mode

Corona warning app now in sleep mode

The Corona-Warn-App (CWA) is now in sleep mode as there is no longer a need for contact tracing. The app’s function has been reduced, and users will no longer be able to warn others of an increased risk of infection or retrieve test results and statistical data – except for the pandemic radar. The app will also no longer be available for download in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store after mid-June.

The CWA had 25 million active users, which is almost half of what was hoped for, and was used to connect 270 laboratories and 20,000 testing sites. Until April 30th, it was still possible to use the app to notify others of potential infection risks. However, as there is no longer a need for contact tracing, the further technical development of the app is now terminated.

The vaccination and recovery certificates, as well as entries from the contact diary, can be saved and exported using the CWA. These functions are available through single export or export certificates options. Users can also export contact lists from the last 15 days using the “Export entries” function in the top right-hand menu. The exported contact list will be in RTF format and can be sent through email and various messaging apps or SMS.

The CWA website will remain active, where research results on its use will be published. The Robert Koch Institute will continue to be available for questions about the app until the end of the year at CoronaWarnApp@RKI. The operators recommend the CovPass app and NINA as alternatives to the CWA for important warnings.

The CWA was criticized for its high costs, which amounted to 73 million euros in 2022 alone instead of the originally calculated 50 million euros. Since its launch on June 15, 2020, the CWA has cost more than 220 million euros. SAP Deutschland SE & Co. KG and T-Systems developed and operated the CWA for the federal government, with Gottfried Ludewig playing a key role in its creation.

Overall, the CWA will continue to function in a limited way, providing users with access to vaccination and recovery certificates and a contact diary. However, the app’s contact tracing function has been terminated, and it will no longer be available for download after mid-June.

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