Rumors have been circulating about a forthcoming Twitter alternative called “Threads,” which is said to be an independent app based on Instagram and the ActivityPub protocol, with connections to the Fediverse and Mastodon. The app looks similar to Instagram but with text instead of photos, which resembles Twitter. The Verge reports that the app’s internal meeting shows images of its design, although there is no timeline for launch yet.
The AI startup Cohere secured about $270 million in financing, with investors such as Nvidia, Oracle, and Salesforce supporting this round of funding. Google is already collaborating with Cohere, and the startup specializes in developing generative AI that is customized to their clients’ requirements. Large language models are being developed to provide companies with safe, sensitive company data that the aim is every developer and company can create their own products.
David Grusch, a US veteran and former intelligence analyst, recently claimed in an interview that the US had partially intact spacecraft of non-human origin, unknown to the US Congress. Grusch provided this as a first-hand account, as he served on a task force investigating UFO reports between 2019 and 2021. The Debrief, two US journalists, cited Grusch’s claims, but so far, the US government has not commented on them.
An AI podcast known as the “KI Update” has been launched, with Isabel Grünewald and her colleagues at heise online and their magazines offering news highlights and in-depth coverage of current AI developments. A news summary is available every working day at 3 pm, and an in-depth exploration is offered every Friday, featuring guests from their editorial teams and various experts in the AI industry.
Overall, these developments in the tech industry show the continuing growth and impact of AI and the importance of keeping up with the rapidly evolving landscape of technology.