Car-Free Day in Paris: What You Need to Know

Every year, the city of Paris organizes the “Paris Respire” day during which no cars are allowed to circulate in the streets of the capital. This is the 9th edition dedicated to “non-polluting transportation”: bicycles, rollerblades, pedestrians, public transportation… So, how can you get around Paris on Sunday? Let’s take a look.

All districts of Paris are concerned by the car-free day from 11 am to 6 pm. While the ring road is not affected, certain ramps will be closed.

Motorized vehicles, including electric vehicles and motorcycles, are prohibited from circulating. Only buses, emergency vehicles, taxis, and private hire cars are allowed to drive in the capital, but they must travel at a maximum speed of 20 km/h in certain areas, and not exceed 30 km/h elsewhere in Paris. Failure to comply with these rules will result in a fine of 135 euros.

With this day, the Paris City Hall encourages residents to use public transportation or bicycles. Vélib’ bicycles will be available for free for a 45-minute journey.

In certain specific cases, it will be possible to obtain an exception to the rule by presenting a justification. This includes Parisians returning from the weekend, moving vehicles (provided they have a parking permit), or vehicles transporting a disabled person, provided they have an “original and valid” card visible on the windshield.

As for professionals (emergency services, delivery, medical personnel), they will be able to access the restricted area upon presentation of a justification. However, there are no exceptions for people with a train or plane to catch or for Sunday workers, except for public service employees.

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