AWS Will No Longer Publish Documentation on Github
The documentation for AWS products will no longer appear on Github in the future, as announced by AWS Chief Evangelist Jeff Barr on the AWS Blog. The experiment of also publishing the documentation on repositories on the code platform has failed.
Reason behind the move
According to Barr, it is too time-consuming to maintain the descriptions not only on the AWS website but also in parallel open source on Github, as has been the case up to now. At the same time, there would be too little benefit for users.
The history of the project
The project started a little over five years ago, with a blog post by Barr. Starting today, all started repositories will be archived again, and in retrospect, the evangelist describes the project as an “extended experimental phase” that ultimately failed.
AWS Focuses on Improving Documentation in Internal Systems
In the future, the focus will be on improving documentation in AWS internal systems. To this day, the source of the AWS documentation lies there.
The descriptions of the AWS projects, most recently there were 262 on Github, still had to be transferred manually to Github. Despite the great efforts of the documentation team, this proved to be very difficult and time-consuming and required several manual steps, and parallel text editing.
Repos Containing Code Examples to Remain
Repos containing code examples, sample applications, CloudFormation templates, or configuration data should remain as they experience a higher level of usage as “primary sources.”
AWS Takes User Feedback on the Documentation Seriously
In his blog post, Barr promises that AWS takes user feedback on the documentation on its pages very seriously. Every review, whether positive or negative, reaches the person responsible for the respective document directly.